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Who benefits most from working with David?
I have 15 years working in a range of medical settings including emergency relief in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake , intensive care units in teaching hospitals in Europe and Canada, rehabilitation medicine in the public and private care settings. Concurrently, I have spent 15 years studying the nature of disease and the inter-relationship it shares with motility and movement of the craniosacral system. A natural progression of this, is an emerging approach of care that embodies a mindbodyspirit perspetive.
Those that seem drawn and benefit most from this type of work are those who in the physiotherapy world are considered to be ‘centrally sensitised’ to persistent or chronic pain.
In my clinical experience, I feel called to reframe this by observing that such patients have a highly intelligent and fully functioning nervous system that is demonstrating its capacity of self regulation, the process of which has not completed its full circle of integrated healing yet. That is all.
This challenge is categorised as a 'trauma', the symptoms of which can be recognised in the following presentations;
Emotional dysregulation
Longstanding pain issues including Temperomandibular joint (TMJ) pain
Gastro intestinal issues
Energy/cognition issues
Decreased clarity
Lack of purpose
Relationship and attachment issues
Ethically, I feel a responsibility to understand what is going on in the persons system that is causing these symptoms, irrelevant of diagnosis. Having treated 1000’s of patients at this point, some successfully some not, what has become clear to me is that each patients own circuitry is relaying a clear and buoyant message of what it needs to complete its cycle of healing. The approach I employ does not follow the typical pattern of what would be considered ‘regular’ physiotherapy. I spend less and less time with the patients symptoms and more and more time listening to the patients anatomy, structure and rhythms, understanding how best I can help with subtle manipulations of the fascial and craniosacral system.
The method I have developed is informed by 15 years of studying subtle movement modalities of somatoemotional and craniosacral work through Uplegder Institute, Milne Institute, Barrel Institute and Indigenous Healing field trips in Central Mexico, Ireland and currently on Quw’utsun territory of the Pacific Northwest.
The model I use is a wholistic one in which all of the patients practitioners play a significant role in healing. One in which pharmaceuticals and correct diagnosis from your GP is very important in the acute stage of disease as is unwinding old hard-wired neurophysiological patterns in the transformative stages of healing.
My aim of working with you:
Is to listen to your story, both what you care to share and what I perceive from the ‘hands on’ part of the session and then link it to your symptoms. This may not always be achieved in one session
To perceive how I can best help you restore vibrant health
To provide you with life long tools that withstand the test of time such as when this period in your life is just a distant memory
Please consider working with me as an add on to your standard medical team and not a replacement for it. Having a balanced routine and good relationship with nutrition and exercise can greatly benefit the results you receive with me.
The following patient experiences represent how things can unfold when the deeper pathological patterns are identified and are brought to light for healing;
V.F. , 40 year old woman
"Working with David feels like a true collaboration.
I came to him when I realized that my own skills could only take me so far in stabilizing my nervous system after a long period of repetitive trauma. He created a safe container for my nervous system to let go. I have been seeing him monthly for over six months. This time frame gave me all the space I needed to digest and integrate what came up at the exact pace of my body. It also made space for my own healing process between sessions.
David is a skilled practitioner and sensitively intuitive guide. He easily bridges the space between intuitive healing and practical physical techniques, while always letting the body lead. He has been a key part of my journey back home to the integrated experience of what it is to me in the world in this moment. I have an increased sense of trust in myself and safety in the world around me. I have also regained and strengthened my own capacity to hold a safe grounded container for others in my own practice.
I don’t yet have the words to describe my gratitude for how this work together has rippled out to affect all areas of my life, both personal and professional"
J.S , 53 year old female
"After working as a photographer for over 20 years, having a few falls, a semi dislocated shoulder, I was
left with a lot of pain in my neck, shoulders and upper back.
Suffering from migraines, tinnitus in my right ear, and TMJ, things were feeling a bit bleak and aging felt like it was exasperating all of my pain.
After a fall in 2019, I hit my head pretty hard and I have not felt like myself in 5 years. Until I was treated by David.
David provided Cranial Sacral therapy and dry needling. These therapies released a lot of deep traumas locked in my body, and realigned my being.
He also suggested that I start Pilates, breathe work and meditation and also encouraged me to seek out a therapist that works with CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) All these things helped relax my mind and body, releasing tension and helping me manage my stress, anxiety and occasional depression.
Working with David has been a game changer. The catalyst to helping me feel like myself again. My pain in my neck shoulders and back has subsided, I feel so much calmer, happier and relaxed. My tinnitus is gone and my migraines, even though they still occur, they are less frequent and do NOT last days.
I am so grateful to have worked with David and highly recommend him to anyone "
T.S , 41 year old mother and 5 year old boy​
"David is an intuitive healer and has helped both my 5 year old son and myself. I went to see David for chronic pain in my neck and lower back. With a combination of IMS needling and cranial sacral work, he was able to pin point where my pain was originating from and within a few sessions, the pain and stiffness is not an issue any more.
I brought my 5 year old son to see David for Cranial Sacral work as a recommendation from his kindergarten teacher. He was able to settle my son (who was feeling apprehensive about meeting him) into his healing space with a story and a song, bringing him into David’s world.
After one session with David, our son was noticeably brighter, happier and more at ease within his body. After a few session with David, our son’s ability to navigate emotional upsets throughout his day is so much more in balance after seeing David and his light is shining bright.
My son now asks to go see David because he intuitively knows the healing he receives while in David’s care. We are very grateful for David’s help".
​J. B, 40 year old woman with lower back pain
"I have found so much more in my work with David. I have never been one to prioritize therapy of any kind but thanks to David my understanding has shifted and I have come to appreciate the importance of dedicating time to heal. I have nothing but profound appreciation for what David has done for my body and mind. "
​​J. L, 38 year old lady challenged with chronic lower back pain
"Through synchronicity, I was referred to David to have my chronic back pain treated with needling (IMS). I knew at the time that my pain was a physical symptom of emotional stress and was seeking someone who understood not only the workings of the physical body but also how environmental stress and ancestral trauma contribute to pain. While the needling was helpful for immediate pain relief, I was drawn to David's offering of craniosacral therapy based in physiotherapy. I found David's intuitive listening skills to be very beneficial in helping me to discover the nuances of the pain I had been experiencing for over two decades. During my first sessions with David, I developed the skill to listen to the wisdom of my own body to uncover the root cause of the pain. Each session built on the previous one, deepening my ability to understand the trauma I was holding in my cells and the patterns I was repeating in my current experience, causing my body to "hang on" to the pain. Over time, with David's gentle encouragement, I began to trust my body and listen to her guidance bringing more presence and awareness to how I talk to myself, hold my posture, create healthy boundaries, and support my inner child. Many modern modalities are known for treating the symptoms of pain, which kept me stuck in a loop of temporary relief followed by more pain. I am grateful for David's gift of helping others discover the root cause of pain so that it can be healed at deeper energetic levels and ultimately physically as well. I will continue my work with David because the benefits have rippled to many areas of my life, including long-term pain relief, an increased sense of self-worth, addressing ancestral trauma, and much healthier boundaries with those around me."
​​M.M, 40 year old lady suffering from chronic neck and back pain
"Your help was invaluable to my recovery and craniosacral therapy helped me to release emotions that were trapped in my heart but, more importantly, it facilitated long blocked physical energy long locked away along meridians to be unlocked and energy to move through long dormant areas in my body. At first, as my body was not accustomed to this due to "freezing" the energy from a past traumatic event (sexual assault) my emotions became stuck as well and locked in to the physical aspect of blocked energy. Craniosacral modalities opened up the energy force in a completely SAFE, healing space that allowed the physical sensations long frozen into the body to finally be freed and released. The emotional release manifested as tears, images, and finally the most important gift to get my access back to my own intuition again which had been lost due to blocked energy in the body. Craniosacral therapy delivery by you as a healing practitioner felt like you could locate areas where the universe was guiding you to focus on then using your gift of healing warmth you directed the sacred part in the universe and in me to heal myself. Without sounding too out there, it did feel both physical and psychological and I literally felt energy renewed in my body as pain (emotional) and physical was released to heal the physical injuries that brought me to the physiotherapy clinic but the universe guided me there for spiritual reasons. I can honestly say I have a very close connection with my own intuition again and I feel a closer connection to nature, the ocean, the trees, the sound of birds and I feel freedom and love in my heart. I believe craniosacral therapy helped me on a healing journey as I already had some degree of intuitive / psychic abilities but it helped me to learn to accept these abilities and not to be afraid of them."