C1 Review/ACC VCSW® Ireland 2025
Visionary Craniosacral Work®: Cranial 1 ACC
Available spots
Service Description
In this eight-hour class students will focus on the anatomy, physiology and manual therapy techniques as applied to the area surrounding the jugular foramina. This study will encompass bone and soft-tissue landmarks, building outwards from the foramina themselves, to include the major neuro-cranial bone structures. The study will begin with the embryology of the cranial base and cranial vault, noting the differentiation of ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm and the emergence of the primitive streak on day 14. The embryological study will continue through week 40, encompassing the ossification sites and ossification times of the major cranial base bones, as well as the closure times of the fontanel. Building on the understanding of embryological development and ossification chronology, we will study the relationship of the posterior and middle cranial fossa to the tentoria cerebelli and the brainstem. From there we will investigate the function, dysfunction and importance of cranial nerves IX, X and XI to manual therapy in the field of craniosacral therapy. Students will also be introduced to the relationship of CN XI, the Spinal Accessory, to the ‘Windows to the Sky’ points in Chinese Medicine. We will study the proximity of the external ear to the temporomandibular joint, and how craniosacral work can be used in the treatment of temporomandibular joint dysfunction, or TMD. The final segment of this class will be a 90-minute craniosacral protocol using manual therapy contacts to facilitate optimum function in cranial nerves IX, X, and XI. *Prerequisites for taking C1ACC is completion of cranial 1 **To receive the Early discount registration please book before 11.59pm on May 10th, 2025: Early discount registration class cost €172 ($260CAD) Class cost thereafter €208 ($313CAD)** Please note *Price includes a 4% credit card processing fee. To avoid this fee, you can register and make payment via a local bank transfer here www.saoirsesproject.com/craniosacral-classes
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
1. The Milne Institute offers continuing education courses for qualified practitioners, who are practicing within the scope of their profession and within the legal parameters of their place of practice. Milne Institute courses cannot be used as primary education or as educational hours towards initial licensure and certification. I understand this statement and attest that I am qualified in my field and that I am practicing within all legal regulations with regards to professional massage, shiatsu, or other hands-on therapy, or bodywork practice in my own state or country. 2. Class Prerequisites – I certify that I have completed a minimum of 150-hours of massage certification or other professional Physical therapy, manual therapy, shiatsu training or equivalent. 3. Your deposit is due with your registration. If you do not make a deposit, your registration cannot be accepted. No refunds are given for any reason, including travel difficulties, inclement weather, medical or family emergency, or bereavement. 4. Your balance is due no later than 28 days before class starts. Please do not purchase a non-refundable travel ticket of any kind until you have been notified that the class is a “Go,” which will occur no later than 28 days before the scheduled start of the class. Please purchase travel insurance, which may help you secure emergency help in the case of weather-related flight cancellation(s). 5. Registration: The successful outcome of these classes requires a serious commitment on the part of everyone involved. From our students we require a non-refundable deposit for each class, with the remainder due not later than 28 days prior to the first day of class. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure their payment and contact information is up to date with David McCauley at the time of final payment to secure the student’s class space. Deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable. Final payments are non-refundable and non-transferable for any reason, including travel difficulties, inclement weather, medical or family emergency, or bereavement.
Contact Details